Commencement May 19



以美国时尚偶像命名, the 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 combines business education with real-world fashion industry experience. Hilfiger, founder of the Tommy Hilfiger Corporation and a legend in the global fashion industry, 在埃尔迈拉地区有很深的根基. 他的创业生涯始于他在当地的商店, People's Place, and eventually blossomed into ownership of one of the world's most recognizable clothing brand names. The 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 gives Elmira College students a chance to follow in Hilfiger's footsteps while exploring fashion business fundamentals and the latest market trends.

战略设计的课程和实践, 出教室的经历, 创造一个让学生学习的地方, 不仅仅是时尚产业的日常运作, but also the history, the people, 以及它与其他行业的深厚联系.

Tommy Hilfiger

图片来源:©Craig McDean / Art + Commerce

"From day one, I wanted to make my mark on the industry and leave behind a meaningful legacy."
–Tommy Hilfiger

Make your own mark

Elmira College's 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 has a unique real-world focus that will prepare you for business and leadership roles in the fashion industry. There is a strong emphasis on experiential learning including fashion industry internships, team projects, field trips, 演讲嘉宾和咨询项目. 您将与经验丰富的学术和行业专业人士一起工作, 在小班教学中采用尖端的教育方法.

Fashion Marketing

If you love fashion, 都喜欢营销活动, 考虑人口统计学, 定位产品, 然后考虑辅修时尚营销专业. Fashion marketing is learning to promote fashion products to the right people at the right time. You'll learn how to use market research to target promotions, from online campaigns to big events.

Fashion Marketing

Fashion Merchandising

如果你对商业感兴趣,又热爱时尚, 那么你可以考虑辅修时装销售专业. Fashion Merchandising is about learning to analyze market trends and getting to know consumer behaviors to make wise purchasing decisions. You'll get to know how to get the right items to the right people at the right price.

Fashion Merchandising


如果你想对时尚行业有一个广泛的了解, the 时尚商业通才 minor provides a full spectrum of courses that teach the skills necessary for exciting roles within the fashion industry. 你将了解即将到来的时尚趋势,比如可持续时尚, 如何采购材料和协商价格, analyze markets, 制定有针对性的营销活动.



mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供学生动手, 小班体验式学习, giving you real-world fashion experience with some of the industry's leading fashion professionals.


mg冰球突破豪华版下载和时尚技术学院(FIT), 纽约州立大学的一个学院, have partnered to offer EC students in the 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 program an opportunity to apply to FIT's 全球时尚管理(GFM)硕士 在专业研究(MPS)计划. Students who complete Elmira's Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Business program and meet FIT's admissions requirements will be encouraged to apply to FIT's MPS program. This includes the successful completion and award of a bachelor of arts (BA) degree in 工商管理 with a minor or concentration in Fashion Merchandising or Fashion Marketing. 学生最后的最低平均绩点必须达到3分.0 and have at least three years of relevant professional work experience post-degree, 不包括实习.




The fashion industry is one of the largest consumer-facing industries in the world, 估计年销售额为1美元.5 trillion worldwide. 该领域未来的就业前景很好, 随着消费者营销职位的普遍增长, 以及全球新兴市场的预期增长. 毕业生有望找到零售采购员的工作, visual merchandiser, merchandise planner, 时尚营销经理, 品牌经理和市场研究分析师.


Students participating in the 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 curriculum will complete an internship before graduation.


Students in the 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 graduate with a business administration degree with either a minor or concentration in fashion marketing or fashion merchandising.


Yes. 学生可以在四年内完成课程, but the 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 curriculum is also designed to allow students to complete their courses within three years, giving students the opportunity to study abroad through Elmira College's graduate school partnerships, 过渡到研究生课程, 或者开始在时尚界工作.



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图片来源:Tommy Hilfiger Archive


图片来源:Tommy Hilfiger Archive

The 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院 was developed in partnership with the Hilfiger family, who grew up in Elmira. Tommy Hilfiger made his first mark in fashion on the Elmira College campus selling bellbottom jeans to the students and later employing many of them at his first shop, 位于埃尔迈拉.

Together, the College and the Hilfiger family have created a program that brings a shared vision: Elmira is Our Place. 一个促进思想交流和自我表达的地方. A place that shapes critical thinking skills while providing a broad view of the world. A place where a new generation of fashion professionals can follow their dreams.



Tommy, Andy, Ginny, and Betsy Hilfiger speak with 工商管理 students and Professor Alison Wolfe in Stephans Lounge in Meier Hall.


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